Welcome from Principal Urban & Join us 8/23 Welcome Back Morning

Welcome from Principal Urban & Join us 8/23 Welcome Back Morning

Hello BCS Community!

I am so excited to be officially welcoming you all back to BCS for the 2024-2025 school year. I'm looking forward to working with all of you this school year and supporting our students learn, grow and play.

Join us on Friday August 23rd at 9-9:45AM for a "Welcome Back" visit at BCS. Students and families can come see their classrooms and say hello to teachers, meet new staff, and enjoy a muffin or scone together. The PTO will be there to answer questions about the work they do, as well as share information about how to support our school.

Upcoming Events:

Friday August 23, 9AM- Welcome Back Morning Visit
Monday August 26th- First day of School for K-5 Students
Monday, September 2nd- No School- Labor Day
Tuesday, September 3rd- First Day of School for Preschool!
Thursday September 5th, 6PM- FOBCS (PTO) Meeting

I'll see you all soon!

Best,Mrs. Urban

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